New BCL10 deficiency (R42H)

Human BCL10 deficiency causes combined immunodeficiency with bone marrow transplantation as its only curative option. To date, there are four homozygous mutations described in the literature that were identified in four unrelated patients. We describe a fifth patient with a novel mutation and summarize what we have learned about BCL10 deficiency. Due to the severity

Nuevo paciente con deficiencia en BCL10 (R42H)

La deficiencia humana de BCL10 causa inmunodeficiencia combinada con trasplante de médula ósea como única opción curativa. Hasta la fecha, hay cuatro mutaciones homocigotas descritas en la literatura que se identificaron en cuatro pacientes no emparentados. Aquí describimos un quinto paciente con una nueva mutación y resumimos lo que hemos aprendido sobre la deficiencia de

LIGHD describe el tercer paciente con una deficiencia en BCL10

LIGHD describe el tercer paciente con deficiencia completa de BCL10 autosómica recesiva. Este paciente tiene una mutación «stop codon» que conduce a una pérdida de expresión (K63X). Los resultados se han publicado en la revista «Frontiers in Immunology» bajo el título «Clinical and immunological features of human BCL10 deficiency». Este estudio destaca la importancia del

LIGHD describes the third patient with BCL10 deficiency

LIGHD describes the third patient with autosomal recessive BCL10 complete deficiency. This patient has a nonsense mutation that leads to a loss of expression (K63X). Results are published in Frontiers in Immunology in a report entitled: Clinical and immunological features of human BCL10 deficiency. This report highlights the importance of early genetic diagnosis for the

Scientists discover genetic and immunologic underpinnings of some cases of severe COVID-19

The researchers found that more than 10% of people who develop severe COVID-19 have misguided antibodies―autoantibodies―that attack the immune system rather than the virus that causes the disease. Another 3.5% or more of people who develop severe COVID-19 carry a specific kind of genetic mutation that impacts immunity. Consequently, both groups lack effective immune responses